It really felt like returning to the WoW of several years ago.The fights in the instance are all fun and challenging, without being too hard for players just returning to WoW. I especially like the use of Cheap Fifa 16 PS4 Coins varied mechanics throughout the instance.
By this I mean the first boss has a ?°get out?± mechanic, the second a timing component, the third is about managing debuffs, and the fifth brings back kiting. I see this as a great thing as it should be able to keep players?ˉ interest as each fight is so different.Gear wise and progression wise, expect the instance to be a step up on gear for most players.
The gear is itemized around the same as ICC 25 gear, so unless you are a 25 person raid player, the gear will be an improvement over what you have.Even though this instance is good on normal mode, I think it is much better on heroic. With all the varied mechanics in Buy Fifa 16 XBOX One Coins the instance, it is very challenging in the heroic version.